Monday, September 8, 2008

Minnesota State Fair

Inspiration can hit anywhere, anytime. Here are a few photos from the state fair that may be cause for future inspiration. Usually the state fair is for trying new foods (deep fried everything), new tractors and trucks, the midway and the animals. This year it was a job for Amanda, nothing like a few hours a day (10 or so) for 12 days straight to get you ready for school. She had a great time, learned a lot and even did a t.v. spot for San Felipe!

Like I said the midway was a highlight for some. Just how many "free" things can you win? Who knew you needed 6 or more mini basketballs (each?). It was a great fair! I think this was the 2nd run of prizes....can you say allowance? gone.
We didn't try too many new foods (just fish tacos - really good and yes, David the old standard corn on the cob) and there isn't a new tractor or truck in our driveway so I feel pretty good about that.
Now for the inspiration......

Animal prints will be big for, well always with Pritz. Nothing like a little zebra a chicken, the feathers look good too! (Disclaimer: no live chicken will ever be injured in the name of fashion if we, esp. Amanda has anything to do with it)
I just loved the accessorizing on this horse. Can't you picture a Lizzy hanging on the saddle?
This was a must see for many....... there is a reason that those vintage fans are hanging there!

For some the grass is always greener on the other side. FYI, not true.

My personal favorite, what it must all be about, the ultimate fair accessory and I don't mean a fanny pack.

Until next year!

1 comment:

David said...

Chick - thanks for the nod on the corn, it is my all time fair favorite. The fair is going on in Puyallup right now, unfortunately I am off the carbs! Your pics reminded me of '92, corn in hand, going to see the B-52's - thanks for the flash back in time!